The code is about 80% stable. I may move things around a bit file structure wise, and bundle it into a single file under the Samsara namespace.
There are some important missing pieces however, that make it unsuitable for serious projects as of now. For one, there’s no ability to remove any content yet, which is pretty darn important. I’d also like to add things, like a physics engine. I was the original author of famous’, but would like to rewrite it and have it be a smaller footprint. The other big thing is to have examples of integrating with Backbone and React, and I have some interesting ideas here to make this integration pleasant, and incredibly easy to maintain. Essentially a small shim layer that associates a Samsara surface with a Backbone (jQuery/zepto) referenced element, or a React component.
The biggest thing right now is documentation. I had reference docs up ( but there’s a huge nothingness when it comes to prose and high level documentation. So that will be my current focus, followed by the pieces above.
And yes, I suck at marketing. Help spread the word! Even if Samsara isn’t production ready, it’s currently “play” ready!