The following are just some ideas, totally not set in stone. I’d love feedback on whether you think these ideas are going in the right direction.
So, I’ve been brainstorming about how the top-level (end-user) API might look like, and where I’m stuck is in deciding how we’ll allow the user to write code in a manner in which calculations can be offloaded into a web worker, easily, without the user having to think about how workers work.
Here’s a basic sample of what the API might look like, including basic handling of a drag event, plus an animation:
import Scene from 'motor.js/nodes/Scene'
import Node from 'motor.js/nodes/Node'
import Transition from 'motor.js/animation/Transition'
import Curve from 'motor.js/animation/Curve'
import Camera from 'motor.js/components/Camera'
import DOMElement from 'motor.js/components/renderables/DOMElement'
// Making a new scene initiates the Motor (if not already initiated). The
// Motor, behind the scenes, creates a web worker for every Scene's scene
// graph, plus creates various renderers as needed, where each renderer might
// have it's own workers. The WebGL renderer will have it's own worker, f.e.,
// in order to calculate the final transforms of each object in the Scene. I
// don't think the DOMRenderer really needs a worker for anything, because
// transforms are given to the DOM, and the browser will use it's own renderer
// thread to compute final transforms for the DOM scene. This will work well if
// every node has a DOM element associated with it, so that transforms (and
// opacity) can be cached all the way down, but will this add more overhead
// when intermediary Nodes don't contain user-defined DOMElement components.
// Essentially the DOM structure that we see when inspecting element would
// mirror the same structure as the scene graph at all times. In Famous Engine,
// nodes without a DOMElement don't manifest into the DOM, but they can still
// have transforms; the Famous DOMRenderer treats a node chain like single
// node, and a finally-calculated transform is applied to the DOMElement at the
// end of the chain. So, the question is: Should we calculate matrix transforms
// on chains of Nodes that don't have any DOMElement renderable except for one
// at the end of the chain (which would be a good case for having a Web Worker
// for the DOMRenderer) or should we just construct an actual DOM element for
// every node, and let the browser handle transform caching 100% of the time
// (thus not needing a Web Worker for the DOMRenderer)? The second is of course
// much easier to implement.
let scene = new Scene(document.body)
// Components assign themselves onto the target node. The resulting property is
// a getter, so that if the user loses references to the Component and removes
// the Component from the node it will be collected from a WeakMap inside of
// the Node. Components are static, meaning they merely contain state, but they
// don't have mechanisms of animating that state.
scene.addComponent(new Camera) = 1000 // perspective is a setter property on the Component.
// Nodes have default Components, like Size, Position, Rotation, etc. Maybe
// they aren't instantiated until their getter is used for the first time? That
// would save tons of memory compared to instantiating every default Component
// on every Node.
let square = new Node
square.size = [200, 200] // Change the default Size component's value.
// Adding a DOMElement component to the Node creates a getter `domEl` on the
// Node.
node.addComponent(new DOMElement)
// Leave the DOMElement API pure and let the user manipulate the DOM elements
// directly? This might leave room for thrashing flaws in the code of our
// end-users. What can we do aboue this? It'd be coo to completely abstract
// away any opportunity for the user to create Motor-based code that is not
// performant. = 'visible' = 'pink' = '5px'
// Components are static things. Then we have Drivers (or similarly named, any
// ideas?) which are things that are not added to a node, but rather take a
// node and manipulate it.
// Maybe Drivers interact with the Motor and cause calculations to be sent to
// the Worker of the Scene Graph containing the node that the Driver is acting
// on?
// This is where I'm wondering: how might we let users write code that
// might contain calculations, but for that code to be easily placed into a
// Worker?
// Hypothetical possibility about user code and web workers:
// The following Transition constructor takes a reference to a Node (we're in
// the UI-thread), which it uses in order to be able to pass the WebWorker
// instance of the Node into the currentValue function, which runs in the
// worker of the Scene.
let transition = new Transition(square)
transition.go(0, 2*Math.PI, function(square, currentValue) {
// using the node's `.rotation` getter to get the rotation component and the
// rotation component's `.y` setter.
square.rotation.y = currentValue +
Math.random()*Math.PI/8 // some random mathematical calculation running in a worker.
}, {
duration: 5000,
// easing functions must have a specific signature so that they can be
// serialized and used in a worker.
curve: Curve.expoInOut,
// shorthand for curves shipped with Motor: curve: 'nameOfCurve' The
// shorthand is preferable, because in that case the curve is already
// loaded inside a worker. User-defined functions will need to be
// serialized.
// Automatically usable event API. Behind the scenes (to save memory) `.on` is
// a getter that sets up an eventing system only the first time it's used, and
// returns a function. If `.on` is never called, then we can save memory and
// CPU by not setting up the event system.
square.domEl.on('drag', event => {
square.position.x = event.deltas[0]
square.position.y = event.deltas[1]
square.position.z = event.deltas[2]
But, now, what if the user wants to do something like
let transition = new Transition(node)
let someValue = 5
transition.go(0, 2*Math.PI, function(node, currentValue) {
node.rotation.y = currentValue + someValue
}, { duration: 5000, curve: Curve.expoInOut }).loop()
Now someValue will be unavailable in the worker. Maybe we can create some sort of way to encapsulate state, f.e. a State component that can live on a Node, and whose state gets transferred into the worker and whose modification go into the worker’s action queue? Then a user can perhaps do something like
let transition = new Transition(node)
node.state.someValue = 5
transition.go(0, 2*Math.PI, function(node, currentValue) {
node.rotation.y = currentValue + node.state.someValue
}, { duration: 5000, curve: Curve.expoInOut }).loop()
Alright, I’m gonna give that ago, then refine it later. We’ll also need a clear definition of what happens if someone does something like
let transition = new Transition(node)
node.state.init('someValue', 5) // creates a getter/setter pair
transition.go(0, 2*Math.PI, function(node, currentValue) {
node.rotation.y = currentValue + node.state.someValue
node.state.someValue-- // using both the getter and the setter, inside a worker
}, { duration: 5000, curve: Curve.expoInOut }).loop()
node.state.someValue++ // <--- HERE, the value modified in the UI thread while the previous transition is active.
let transition = new Transition(node)
node.state.init('someValue', 5) // creates a getter/setter pair
transition.go(0, 2*Math.PI, function(node, currentValue) {
node.rotation.y = currentValue + node.state.someValue
node.state.someValue-- // using both the getter and the setter, inside a worker
}, { duration: 5000, curve: Curve.expoInOut }).loop()
setTimeout(function() { node.state.someValue++}, 100) // <--- HERE, the value modified in the UI thread while the previous transition is active.
Maybe the docs would say that the modifications to the state (in the UI thread or in a Worker) all go onto a queue, and the order might not always be predictable, and recommend avoiding modifying state in parallel places?